Tag: muscles

Supercharge Your Muscles with Grapes – But Beware of These Varieties

Grapes aren’t just a delicious snack - they can have a powerful impact on your body, particularly your muscle health. A groundbreaking study from...

Ladies, Why Pelvic Floor Exercises Should be on Your Radar in...

Abs, biceps, triceps, glutes, quads. You’ve likely heard of all of these muscle groups and probably spend time each week working some or all...

Turkey Neck Fixes That Really Work

Turkey neck is caused by a combination of loose skin, untoned muscles, and fat. Though it can be hard to keep the skin tight...

7 Bizarre Bedtime Secrets for an Amazing Night’s Sleep

A good night’s sleep is often undervalued but can never be overrated. We spend about one-third of our life asleep and could not survive...

5 Benefits of Crawling Like a Baby

Yes, you read that title correctly. And no, this isn’t just the most recent fitness craze that is going to go the way of...

How to Take Care of the Strongest Muscles in Your Body

The body is a well-oiled machine, with thousands of separate parts working together to keep you alive and healthy. Over 600 of those parts...

4 Things Your Butt Reveals About Your Health And Lifestyle

Did you know that the size and shape of your butt speaks volumes about your health and lifestyle? Your butt may not be the...

7 Ways Flexibility Improves Your Health (#6 Will Surprise You)

Whether you're sitting at your desk all day or working out vigorously, one great way to avoid injuries is to increase your flexibility. It’s...

Should Men Do Kegels Too?

If you’ve heard of Kegels, you probably think of them as designed specifically for women. And while the female contingent can certainly benefit from...

7 Reasons Pre Workout Stretches Are Awesome

It’s one of the old adages of fitness — stretch, stretch, stretch! We’ve all likely been told by a coach, gym teacher or fitness buddy...