Tag: microbes

Eat Dirt… It’s Good For You (So Are Worms)

In our society, we spend a lot of time cleaning our homes and ourselves. While modern hygiene is great — it keeps a lot...

Top Reasons To Say NO To Antibiotics

Being a psychology and neuroscience university student for five years meant that I learned a lot about the complexity of our brain. As I...

Scientists Determine We Have Auras… of Germs

And now for the latest in gross news: New research suggests that we’re surrounded by a cloud of invisible microbes and fart bacteria. As...

Feeling Anxious? Why Your Gut May be the Reason

The old saying “you are what you eat” may ring true now more than ever. Scientists are learning more and more each day about...

Gettin’ Dirty Can be Good for Your Immune System

Think about how many times your mom told you to not eat the dirt outside. For many of us, it was a sin to...