Tag: mental health
How TikTok’s “Floor Time” Can Boost Your Mental and Physical Well-being
If you’ve been scrolling TikTok lately, you’ve probably seen people lying on the floor, doing nothing. While it may seem odd, “floor time” is...
The Surprising Health Benefits of Regular Saunas
Saunas have long been associated with relaxation, but research highlights their numerous health benefits. There are different types of saunas, each offering unique advantages.
An Orange a Day May Boost Your Mood and Overall Health
Move over, apples - oranges may be the new superfood for mental well-being. A recent study published in Microbiome suggests that eating just one...
Exercise is Good – Unless You Overdo It
Exercise is essential for maintaining good health, improving heart function, boosting energy, and supporting mental well-being. However, pushing your body too hard every day...
7 Foods That Might Be Making You Anxious
A lifelong friend of mine suffered from debilitating anxiety for years. It was hard to watch her have panic attacks, knowing that people did...
The Hidden Dangers of Sugar, Processed Meat, and Ultraprocessed Foods for...
What you eat could be putting your colon at serious risk. Colorectal cancer is on the rise, especially among younger adults, and the culprits...
This Type Of Stress Is 13x More Likely To Give You...
Everyone knows stress can be terrible for your health, but recent research suggests not all stress is created equal. In fact, one type in...
Science Says Doing This Each Morning Can Help Increase Mindfulness and...
If you’ve brushed off meditation for years as a practice reserved for the minimalist monk or the trendy yoga guru, it’s time to take...
60% of Women Have a Doubled Risk of Breast Cancer Because...
Over time, exposure to toxins, from pollutants in the environment, pesticides and preservatives to heavy metals and cancer-causing chemicals, can negatively affect many systems...
4 Science-Backed Health Reasons We Need At Least 8 Hugs A...
Who doesn’t love a big ol’ hug?
Whenever a loved one is upset, it’s almost instinctual to wrap your arms around them — why is...