Tag: marijuana
This Homemade Coconut Oil CBD Recipe Will Get Rid Of Pain...
If you are looking to get the health benefits of medical marijuana, but without getting high, then CBD oil may be the right choice...
These 3 People Fought Cancer Without Chemo. Here’s How
Cancer has proven to be a crafty foe, but scientists are beginning to find ways to outwit this deadly adversary. For roughly 100 years,...
This Nine-Year-Old Shared Pot-Laced Gummies At School
Medical marijuana is helping patients across the country (including some school-age children). But I’m sure most people would agree that medical marijuana is not...
Big Brother In The Bathroom: Scientists May Use Cell Data To...
Does the wastewater from your toilet contain dirty little secrets that you wouldn't want anyone to know about? Surprising as it may seem, epidemiologists...
If You Want A Buzz Without The Hangover, Drink THIS Wine
The cannabis industry has been reaching new highs as scores of herbal products — hemp-based soaps, CBD oils and weed edibles — go mainstream....
World Health Organization Says DEA Is Wrong About CBD Oil (+...
An overwhelming majority of Americans (88 percent) agree that marijuana has medicinal value. A wide plurality of physicians (76 according to some polls) believes...
This Cannabis And Chemo Combo Can Knock Out Cancer
For decades, the United States has waged an unsuccessful war against marijuana. In the past, government health officials routinely scoffed at the possibility that...
The Best Way To Ingest Marijuana: Smoking, Vaporizing Or Edibles?
At one time the only methods for ingesting cannabis included joints, bongs and the occasional weed-laced brownie. But now due to the number of...
Colorado Doctors Claim 11-Month-Old Died From Marijuana Overdose
Today, doctors in Colorado are reporting the first-ever recorded overdose from ingesting too much cannabis. The patient was an 11-month-old baby boy who had...
Watch How Medical Cannabis Instantly Alleviates This Boy’s Seizures
It is tough enough seeing a young person battling a serious medical condition, but what if you have to fight tooth and nail to...