Tag: infection

More Scratching Means More Itching

Researchers have figured out what’s behind that extremely annoying cycle of why scratching an itch just makes you itch more. A new study published...

7 Foods with Potent Antibacterial Properties

The media is ablaze these days with discussion about antibiotic resistance, and for good reason. This growing health threat is a worldwide concern, and...

Fight Infection and Boost Immunity with Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is just what it sounds like: hydro means water, and therapy is to treat or heal a disorder. The use of water for...

Strengthen Your Immune System and Fight Infection with Jujubes

Jujubes - the fruit, NOT the candy - are relatively unknown in the west, although they have been cultivated for over 4,000 years in...

The Berry that has 50x More Vitamin C Than Oranges

In order to live, we require vitamins. They regulate metabolism and assist the biochemical processes that release energy from food that has been digested....