Tag: herbal treatments
Is this Perimenopause or am I Going Mad?
Perimenopause means the time “around” menopause, but it is used to describe the start of a decline in estrogen levels that lead to menopause...
Benefits of Ginger for Detoxing
The benefits of ginger are endless. This root is packed with many powerful compounds. It should be considered a staple in any healthy diet....
Caring for Blisters, Burns and Bug Bites Naturally
We welcome the coming of summertime but are often not so pleased with the results of a little too much time in the sun...
A Pretty Passionate and Potent Herb That Blows Away Stress
Passion flower, also known as passiflora, apricot vine, wild passion flower and purple passionflower, is a fast growing and stunning perennial vine in warm...