Tag: herbal remedies

Health Benefits of Fennel and How to Use It

Cooking with fennel is a great way to add flavor and nutrition to many dishes. The bulb looks a bit like a cross between...

Peppermint – A Refreshing Treat that is also Good For You

If any treat is synonymous with the holiday season it’s the good old candy cane. And while these sweet snacks come in a plethora...

Herbs that Fight Inflammation

All too often, doctors are quick to treat joint pain with medication. While these drugs may ease pain, they do little to combat the...

Where Folk Medicine and Science Agree: Anise Seed for Coughs, Cramps...

Anise seed has been used since the time of the ancient Greeks for both flavoring dishes and treating a wide range of ailments. Modern...

Drinking Tea and Coffee May Stop Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria from Colonizing

Earlier this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that antibiotic resistant bacteria could pose a catastrophic threat. CRE, or carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae,...

4 Ways to Use Medicinal Herbs

Herbs are balancers, they do not promote dramatic effects like the ones seen with synthetic drugs. Herbs help the body regulate itself while most...

This Herb Has 42x More Antioxidant Power Than Apples

Oregano, a fragrant and delicious herb that is frequently found in Mediterranean dishes, has been shown to have extremely high levels of antioxidants, as...

4 Common Flowers You Can Eat

Flowers are wonderful for brightening up our gardens and homes but many serve a much greater purpose. Many flowers are, in fact, edible and...

3 Reasons You May Not Smell So Fresh Gals

The majority of women experience feminine issues, including unpleasant odor, at least occasionally. Even if you realize it happens to almost everyone, it doesn’t...

The Rainforest Spice with Healing Properties

Allspice (Pimenta officinalis/Pimenta dioica) comes from an evergreen tree that is wild and indigenous to the rainforests of South and Central America. It was...