Tag: heart health
The Fruit that Looks like an Ovary is a Menopause Miracle
I have been eating and drinking pomegranate fruit daily for the past two years, and have not found anything else that compares to it...
5 Reasons You Need CBD Oil in the New Year
By now, you’ve probably noticed CBD infused energy drinks in the cooler at the grocery store or walked down an entire aisle dedicated to...
What is Guggul and Why You Need to Eat It
Guggul is an ancient remedy that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to remedy issues such as arthritis, thyroid imbalance,...
5 Reasons Why You Should Drink Turmeric Juice (and how to...
Over the past few years, turmeric has skyrocketed in popularity in the West, as many health food enthusiasts, scientists and natural doctors come to...
How Many Pushups Can You Do, Guys? And Why it Matters
Pushups have long been a standard measurement for strength. While this is true, a new study that tested middle-aged male firefighters has found that...
Congress Finally Frees Hemp From Jail: Big News For Farmers and...
Thanks, Congress for passing the Farm Bill, Â making hemp legal in America. Long ago outlawed and thrown in the Controlled Substance Act along with...
5 Cheeses for the Perfect Healthy Holiday Cheese Platter
Oh, for the love of cheese, it is just so darn good. But, is it good for us? That is a loaded question. There...
Warm Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks For The Holiday Season
The holiday season is officially here, and temptations abound. If you are trying to stay true to your healthy lifestyle, the days between Thanksgiving...
3 Research-Backed Rockstar Lemon Remedies That Really Work
Not only are they a tremendously cute and bight addition to any fruit bowl but they are also incredibly therapeutic. You would be surprised...
This Most Consumed Psychoactive Substance in the World is Actually Good...
Every morning, without fail, my husband brings me a cup of coffee and places it on my nightstand. I love the way a warm...