Tag: healthy food

Healthiest Meal? Cheese and Chocolate but Plenty of Good Fats, Fiber

Dominique Ludwig, a nutrition expert from King's College London, has created a healthy and balanced three-course meal packed with nutrients and flavor. The starter...

How to Have a Healthy Diet without Cooking Anything

Everyone wants to take care of their bodies, but not everyone knows how. The first step for many is learning how to cook. If...

Eat These 7 Inflammation Busting Foods to Stop Snoring Now

Do you snore? Do you sleep with someone who snores? Almost 40% of men and 24% of women are what is called “habitual snorers”...

Avoid These Toxic Chinese Foods

No, we’re not talking about greasy takeout food — although it’s important to note that many dishes in Chinese restaurants have been Americanized and...

Adopt A Healthy Diet By Finding Foods You Love

Eating a healthy diet is a cornerstone of good health. What we put into our bodies to fuel them significantly affects how our bodies...

Three Tips For Making Perfect Boiled Eggs

We’ve all been there. The yoke is still runny or it has turned a peculiar shade of orange. The peel won’t come off without...

Podcast Episode #27: Why Cheat Meals are Stupid & Why I...

In this shorter podcast, Jake talks about what makes him go to the same restaurant three days a week. Is it the food or...

Replace Your Multivitamin and Fix a Hangover with Cucumbers

What do you think about cucumber? For most people, cucumber is a veggie (although technically a fruit) that is placed as an afterthought in...

10 Healthy Food Splurges Worth the Price

The food you purchase is vital to your health and wellness. Making smart choices at the grocery store will assist you in being the...

Healthy and Affordable Foods to Take with You When Traveling

If you think it’s expensive to eat out, and even more difficult to find something healthy, just try doing it when you’re traveling! Nowadays,...