Tag: health

Research Reveals Good Reasons to Skip the Shower

Do you shower every day? Most days? Every other day? The idea that we should shower every day is taken for granted in the...

The Best Vacuum Cleaner to Buy

To vacuum or not to vacuum? If you have severe allergies or are concerned about the air you’re breathing in your house, then you...

Triclosan and Liver Cancer – Another Reason to Throw Out Your...

If you're still using antibacterial soaps, scrubs and cleaning products, you may want to read further. The most commonly-used active compound in these products...

Why “Diet” is a Dirty Word

There's a healthy diet, and then there's a "diet." What's the difference, you ask? Plenty.In its most basic definition, a diet is simply what...

How the Art in your Home or Office Can Affect Your...

Is there something about your home or office that just feels a little… off? Maybe you feel just fine when you wake up in...

The Truth About Teflon Pots and Pans and Why Ceramic is...

When choosing cookware, there are a lot of factors to take into account. How easy is it to clean? Does it cook food evenly?...

The 14 Ingredients in McDonald’s Fries Revealed (Note the “Natural Beef...

Making a french fry is a pretty simple process. All it really takes is potatoes, some kind of fat, and salt. Some people may...

5 Ways Cold Weather Damages Your Health—And How to Protect Yourself

There are a lot of good reasons to hate winter. Short days, icy roads, runny noses, and the very strong feeling of not wanting...

Put an End to Overeating: 6 Easy Steps

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may be focusing on what kind of foods and how many calories you’re eating, but did you...

Girl Scouts Go Gluten-Free

Like so many other franchises, the Girl Scouts have now started offering gluten-free products. This year, their lineup of cookie flavors includes two gluten-free...