Tag: health

Should Doctors Save A Man With A ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Tattoo?

Put yourself in this situation: you work in a hospital emergency department, and a patient has just come in with a critical condition. It’s...

6 Reasons To Start Adding Elk Meat To Your Diet

Most people would agree that it’s good to try new things. Stick to the same habits, eat the same things, hang out with the...

Fix Your Thyroid + 4 Other Benefits Of Cold Thermogenesis

From a very young age, most of us are taught that if we’re not warm enough, we’ll “catch a cold.” Even to this day,...

New Study: This Dog Breed Is The Best For Human Health

Just in case you needed one more reason to love your dog, here’s a good one. Man’s best friend could actually help you live...

Would You Take A Digital Pill That Allows Others To Track...

Cindy doesn’t always take her medications as prescribed. That can be a problem because this twenty-something mother of three has been diagnosed with schizophrenia....

Do You Know These 3 Hidden Dangers Of Touchscreen Devices?

Living with twenty-first century touchscreen technology has been awesome, but could it be coming with a cost on our health? Although we are currently using...

Men: Here Are 3 Reasons To Stop Eating Soy

Highly controversial, soy is often touted as a protein-rich wonder food able to rescue humans from our dependence on meat and prevent heart disease....

7 Foods To Help You Avoid Prostate Cancer

Despite rising prostate cancer rates, there are known prostate-friendly foods to add to your diet which can significantly reduce your cancer risk. ...

Is It Ethical To Grow Human Brains In These Animals? Scientists...

Scientists are currently growing miniature human brains, also called organoids or mini brains, in rats and mice. In a meeting of the Society for Neuroscience...

Would You Travel In Space Knowing These 5 Health Risks?

Space tourism is on the horizon. In February 2017, Elon Musk, founder of Space X, vowed to fly two civilians around the moon as...