Tag: health

Your Thyroid Is Failing: Foods You Should Avoid

If you're managing hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s disease, your diet can play a major role in how you feel. Certain foods may seem harmless but...

4 Signs Your Thyroid Is Making You Sick

Literally millions of Americans are living with either an under-treated or undiagnosed chronic condition. Unfortunately, symptoms simply become a part of everyday life. Groggy...

27 Extraordinary Uses For Lemons

The lemon was first created as a cross between a lime and a citron, and all three grow on evergreen shrubs. The Arabs introduced...

Do You Have An ‘M’ On Your Palm? Here’s What It...

A psychic once told me, flat out, that I was meant to be a journalist. Even better, a palm reader confirmed my unhappiness in...

Eating a Hot Dog Costs You 36 Minutes of Life—Here’s What...

If you’re among the many people who crack open a soda can every afternoon, it may be time to rethink that habit. A study...

14 Signs Of A Stroke You Should NEVER Ignore

A rapid response to someone having a stroke can mean the difference between minor damage and long-term disability. According to the National Institute of Neurological...

17 Signs Your Body Is Too Acidic (And What To Do)

Is your body too acidic? Many people have never even considered this question. The pH of our bodies is enormously important to our health,...

Is Your Water Too Acidic? Here Are The Most Damaging Brands

If you think you’re making a healthy choice by buying bottled water, it might be time to think again. That’s because conventional methods of...

What Your Farts Are Trying To Tell You

There are some things that remain unchanged from child to adulthood — and giggling when you toot is one of them. Whether you blame...

A Spoonful Of Castor Oil Can Do All This

Before I started making soap, I basically used olive oil for cooking and coconut oil for my beauty needs. It wasn’t until I started...