Tag: fruits

3 Fat-Flushing Infused Water Recipes

Drinking water helps regulate body temperature, protect vital organs and even improve your skin. But sipping a humble glass of water can get a...

The Best Way to Have Regular Poops and a Flat Tummy

Dietary fiber is a good thing. In fact, it’s an excellent thing and something that most people don’t get enough of. The daily recommended...

Doing These Things May be Harming Your Natural Immunity

Your immune system works hard to kill bacteria and block viruses from invading your cells. As COVID-19 continues to spread across the country, having...

This Type of Diet Could Banish Suffering for Almost a Million...

The benefits of consuming a plant-based diet cannot be ignored.  Research shows that eating a diet rich in vegetables and other plants can reduce...

This “Healthy” Bottled Drink Contains a Deadly Neurotoxin: Here’s What You...

Before I even knew all the damage that fluoride was capable of, it just felt wrong to me. I was one of those weird...

4 Foods That Increase Your Risk Of Colon Cancer (And 3...

Junk food can seem like an insurmountable hurdle of temptation to get over sometimes. With things like juicy steaks, soft white bread, and sugary...

Juice These 3 Superfoods To Detoxify Your Liver And Improve Vision

According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic diseases like stroke, arthritis, diabetes, cancer and heart disease are the main causes...

Is Organic Food A Waste Of Money?

In an ideal world, we’d all eat 100 percent organic, 100 percent of the time. But is that really necessary with the higher cost...

Watch: 5 Diet Tricks To Get Your Old Body Back

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than one-third of Americans are obese. The number of Americans who choose to diet every...

WATCH: 5 Reasons To Buy Local Instead Of At A Chain...

It is only recently that people have had the option to buy goods and services from far away— technology and transportation has made it...