Tag: food

This Country Just Made Wasting Food Illegal

France just became the first country in the world to make it illegal for supermarkets to throw away or purposefully spoil unsold food. The...

3 Foods That Bring You Down, and 7 to Make You...

Many of us simply see food as fuel. We feel hungry, so we eat (whatever is easy, accessible and tasty), and then we’re full....

10 Types of Non-Dairy Milk You Can Make at Home

There has been a rise in non-dairy milk sales within the last decade. However, many of these non-dairy milks come with a large price...

How Dangerous Is BPA Exposure from Canned Food?

If you’re a health conscious consumer (or completely obsessed, like I am) you probably avoid drinking from plastic bottles, whether the "disposable" recyclable kind...

Seaweed Is the Hottest Handcrafted Food, with Maine Leading the Market

Maine is the biggest seaweed harvester in America, and seaweed has become big business. More than 20 companies in Maine cultivate or harvest seaweed...

Need Some Protein? Eat a Bug

Creepy, crawly, gross, slimy. There are several ways to describe bugs, but here in the United States, few of us would use the words...

How to Use Baby Food to Make Healthier Snacks and Desserts

Many of us tend to follow recipes exactly when baking, but making a few creative changes can improve our health and our goodies! One...

Why We Throw the Best Part of the Turkey to the...

If we’re being honest, turkey is actually kind of a bland meat. Maybe once in a blue moon some inspired family member cooks it...

Big Food Companies Continue Fighting GMO Labels

The battle over GMO labeling isn’t over yet, folks. As the year wraps up and Congress decides on a spending bill that could disrupt...

Yummy Holiday Side Dishes to Suit Everyone!

Stuffing, gravy and green bean casserole are all comfort foods found on most holiday tables. Yet when served with a side of gluten, they...