Tag: flatulence

What Your Farts Are Trying To Tell You

There are some things that remain unchanged from child to adulthood — and giggling when you toot is one of them. Whether you blame...

The Real Truth About “Holding In” a Fart and Other Fart...

Toots. Flatulence. Cutting the cheese. Throughout history, we’ve certainly come up with more than a handful of ways to talk about farting. If you’ve...

Non Stop Farting: What the Heck is Wrong With Me?

Once or twice might be somewhat funny, but if you have ever experienced continuous or nonstop farting, you know that it can be downright...

Sleep Farts And Other Real Fart Facts

Most of us don't spend a lot of time thinking about farts: most of us probably wish they didn't happen at all. Sure, there...

Love Beans but Hate Farting? Do These 7 Things to Reduce...

If you’ve dropped gluten and grains from your diet, or do not eat meat, beans and legumes can be a great replacement to bulk...

Did You Toot? A Healthy Look at Flatulence

Who me? I never have gas........... this is just not true. Don't try to pass yourself off as gasless because it won't hold up...