Tag: fitness
7 Things That Happen to Your Body if You Stop Having...
Regardless of your age, orientation, or relationship status, it’s normal for sexual activity to go in waves. There may be times when you’re raring...
What Your Waist Size Says About Your Brain
In the health community, a lot of importance is placed upon waist size. It is proven that a disproportionate waist-to-hip ratio indicates obesity and is...
Use These 4 Essential Oils To Lose Weight
Essential oils can be a divisive subject. There are those who are firm believers in their ability to do everything from treat acne (tea...
5 Steps I Give My Clients To Start (And Stick To)...
So, you’ve decided it’s time to embark on a fitness journey. Perhaps you heard some pretty harsh facts from your doctor at a recent...
Stop Weighing Yourself With A Scale And Do THIS Trick Instead
Oh, the scale. It can be your best friend or sworn enemy when you’re trying to lose weight. From the sliding weight bar style...
This Is Why You Eat A Banana In The Middle Of...
So, you’ve started on a new exercise plan… most excellent! You’re doing a wonderful thing for your body and mind, as I’m sure you...
What Is A Bosu Ball And How To Use It
If you’ve seen people at your local gym bouncing around on what appears to be half of an exercise ball, you have been introduced...
10 Reasons Why A Workout Buddy Is A Good Idea
We've all been there — those days when you don't feel like doing much of anything, even though you know you should probably at least...
5 Ways Yoga Benefits Your Brain
The development and practice of yoga dates back thousands of years. It offers a rich history, one which many of us enjoy today. Whether...
Am I Destined To Be Fat? Breaking The Genetic Code
You’ve probably heard at some point that obesity can be genetic, at least in part. And there have been studies that point to this....