Tag: featured
Mountain Goat Drowns Escaping Photo-Hungry Crowd
Here’s another lesson that serves to remind us the importance of allowing wildlife their space. But this reminder comes too late after an innocent...
Rescued Fox Falls In Love With Her Guardian
While most foxes are wild and independent, sometimes after an injury they can become reliant on humans. So much so, in fact, that the human...
Chewbacca Mom Sings A Song To Heal The World
Whether you love her or find her adorably annoying, Candace Payne, a.k.a. Chewbacca mom from Granbury, Texas, wants the world to know that like...
13 Natural Remedies for Summer Bug Bites
Bug bites are an inevitable part of summer. And let’s face it, for many of us, our arms, legs, neck and ankles are a...
Did You Know that Lemons Can Do This?
They’re small and yellow, and they’ve swept the world by storm. No, they’re not Minions (although there’s a surprising resemblance between the two), but...
8 Ways To Reset Your Metabolism Now
With summer just around the corner, plenty of men and women are looking to slim down. As we work hard to lose our winter...
Women Catch Alleged Date Rapist In The Act
Three L.A.-area women were in the right place at the right time when they witnessed a crime about to unfold. Thanks to a keen...
Did the NFL Tamper with a Government Brain Health Study?
The National Football League has been involved in a complicated dance around the link between brain injury and football for years.In the latest of...
6 Reasons Why Inmates Training Dogs Is A Good Thing
If you’re a fan of the TV show Orange Is the New Black, you’ll recall the character Big Boo, played by Lea DeLaria, was...
Hulk Hogan Sex Tape Verdict Upheld, Gawker Considering Sale
Florida Circuit Judge Pamela Campbell on Wednesday upheld ex-pro wrestler Hulk Hogan’s $140 million verdict against Gawker Media Group over the publication of a...