Tag: digestion
The Best Time to Take Probiotics for Gut Health, According to...
Probiotics play a key role in gut health, but when is the best time to take them? The answer isn’t as straightforward as you...
Experts Say Chewing This Many Times Matters
Chewing may seem automatic, but doing it incorrectly can harm digestion. Proper chewing is essential for breaking down food, aiding nutrient absorption, and preventing...
What Are Ghost Poops and How to Have More of Them
Ghost poops - also called "no wipers" or "unicorn poops" - are bowel movements that leave no residue in the toilet or on toilet...
What Your Farts Are Trying To Tell You
There are some things that remain unchanged from child to adulthood — and giggling when you toot is one of them. Whether you blame...
8 Signs of Low Stomach Acid — a Major Problem for...
Stomach acid has been portrayed as a bad guy in the mainstream media. We see TV commercials with people clutching their abdomens and feeling...
Does Your Poop Sink or Float? (And Why It Matters)
While the subject of our bathroom habits is usually either brushed under the rug or discussed in the form of embarrassing jokes, it is...
Herbs that Banish Gas, Bloating, Heartburn and More
Herbs and spices pair wonderfully to add flavor and aroma to dishes. They also provide numerous health benefits. Traditional Chinese and Indian therapies use...
6 Foods that Your Digestive System Loves
Your gut is one of the most important systems in your body. It connects your outer world with your inner world and processes all...
19 Drinks As Good As Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss
What if you could drink your way thinner? The beverages you drink each day have a direct influence on your body weight and general...
Take This 7-Day Himalayan Salt Challenge For Better Sleep, Digestion And...
If you’re like most people, chances are you think salt is a bad thing. Dietitians, doctors and health officials across the globe continue to...