Tag: diet

Sitting at Your Desk All Day Hazardous to Your Health: Quick...

Many people spend most of their days at work sitting at their desk. However, a study from the University of Leicester in England confirms...

Study Shows Humans from 1.5 Million Years Ago Needed Protein Too

In a study published this month in the peer-reviewed journal PloS One, researchers have discovered that early humans were regular meat eaters. Studying what...

Is Your Diet Anti- or Pro-Inflammatory? [Video]

Sharon Palmer recently sat down with Stephanie Stephens of Mind Your Body to discuss what Anti-inflammatory foods we should be adding to our diet...

Study: High Risk of STIs and Unwanted Pregnancies in Obese Women

In a recent study published in the professional medical journal Obesity, researchers have found that women who are overweight experience less pleasure from sex...

Small Weight Loss Can Provide Huge Health Results

Many people who struggle with dieting and exercise often set their ideal weight when trying to get slimmer. However, in a study published in...

Your Dinner Plate Should Be a Rainbow of These Foods!

Even though you'd like to eat at home most nights (it's smart economics), figuring out how to get a tasty, nutritious plate on the...

Keep Your Mind Sharp and Body Trim by Avoiding These 5...

What do Geena Davis (IQ 140), James Woods (IQ 189), and Marilyn vos Savant (IQ 186) have in common besides genius-level brains? Trim, healthy...

Regular Breakfast Eaters More Successful at Dieting

I've always been a breakfast eater. It gives me a much-needed energy boost--along with a cup of coffee, of course--and it helps me from...

The Reason Behind That Stubborn Belly Fat

Curious about why women tend to develop more belly fat than men, researchers conducted experiments to answer this question. Surprisingly, it turns out that eating a high...

Early Childhood Diet of Processed Foods Substantially Lowers IQ

"Jenny's in a fix/With her arithmetics/Poor concentration/Boys in the classroom cause agitation/ She's a junk food junky/Blame it on the food, yeah/Blame it on...