Tag: diabetes
5 Dangers Of Sodium Nitrites In Your Food
In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially designated processed meats as “carcinogenic to humans.” This finding was long overdue because scientists have known...
The 7 Deadliest Diseases Have These 3 Symptoms In Common
Hippocrates once famously said that “all disease begins in the gut.” We now know that there’s a lot to be said for this far-reaching...
Take This 14-Day ACV Challenge For Weight Loss, Oral Hygiene And...
Here at the Alternative Daily, it’s fair to say that we’re just a little bit crazy about apple cider vinegar. Stylishly abbreviated to simply...
8 Amazing Things That Happen When You Lose 10 Pounds
Anyone struggling to lose weight knows that carrying those extra pounds not only affects the body but also the mind. That’s because overweight people...
5 Scary Signs Of Prediabetes (And How You Can Reverse It...
Diabetes is one of the most devastating medical conditions a person can have. The metabolic disorder puts you at greater risk for cardiovascular disease,...
Pfizer Just Pulled The Plug On Dementia Research. Here’s How It...
The United States is facing a silent epidemic called dementia. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there will be more than 13.5 Americans with the...
Breastfeed Your Baby To Help Prevent Leukemia + 5 Other Diseases
Rates of childhood leukemia have been rising since the 1970s and no one's entirely sure why. However, scientists at the University of Haifa and...
These Essential Oils From The Bible Have Anticancer Effects
Essential oils have been used by various civilizations and cultures for thousands of years, but it’s not until quite recently that their popularity has...
How To Use Elderberry Syrup For Colds
For many centuries, elderberries have been a folk remedy in Europe, Asia, North Africa and North America. It is believed that elderberries may have...
Are You At Risk Of The Skinny-Fat Epidemic?
Skinny-fat: it sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. It’s a real epidemic that medically describes a metabolically obese, yet normal weight...