Tag: compost
6 Amazing Benefits Of Peeing In Your Yard
As an avid permaculturalist, I’m constantly thinking about new ways to introduce biomass back into my gardens. Harvesting fruit and vegetables, mowing grass with...
5 Reasons to Pee in Your Garden
Believe it or not, you are flushing valuable, nutrient-rich liquid down the toilet every time you pee. We don’t think twice about putting cow...
5 Mistakes You’re Making In Your Garden (And How To Fix...
You’ve heard about the drain lawns are having on our national freshwater supplies (literally!), but have you ever wondered how much of a drag...
9 Ways To Be An Environmentalist In Your Own Home
Making a conscious effort to live a more sustainable life can feel like a daunting task. Thankfully, new advancements in technology and adaptations in...
Wait! Don’t Flush That Poop… It’s Useful
Nature has an amazing way of sustaining itself. The cycle of life is truly fascinating. Plants grow and are either eaten or die, becoming...