Tag: climate change

7 Things That Are Wrong With The Paris Climate Deal

The Paris Climate Agreement has been hailed by some as a significant diplomatic success, while others see it as nothing more than a series...

Huge Amazonian Reef Found: Nature Finds A Way?

Climate change is real. You’ve probably experienced a small part of the effects yourself. As I write this from Texas, it’s early May and...

6 Reasons We Need To Stop Fracking Now

Hydraulic fracturing — better known as fracking — is a means of extracting oil and natural gas from deep within the earth. Because of...

Kids File Lawsuit Against US Government For Climate Change Inaction

The phrase "the children are our future" gets tossed around a lot. It's not only a Whitney Houston lyric, it's also an ever-popular slogan...

This Unique Farm Is In The Middle Of The Ocean

In order to give our planet the best chance possible in the face of the climate change threat, turning to green energy sources is...

Colorado River Drying Due To Climate Change

Climate change is a very real and escalating danger to our entire planet and all of its inhabitants. The world has recently recorded the...

A Tipping Point: Record Number Of Americans See Global Warming As...

Forty-one percent of us are worried that global warming poses a “serious threat” to our lives. That’s according to a recent poll from Gallup....

85 Percent Of Cars Have Only One Occupant — Why Ridesharing...

Americans — and many other cultures around the globe — love their cars. For many people, a car is not only a way to...

Emergency Alert Issued For Australia’s Coral Reefs

Australian scientists have raised their emergency response to level three, the highest level, after the release of a video that showed unprecedented damage to...

Is Climate Change Destroying Your Wine?

Climate change has been linked to a multitude of environmental dangers, including melting glaciers, warming ocean waters, floods, risks to marine life, and more....