Tag: chocolate

Yes, You Should Eat Dark Chocolate Daily (Here’s Why)

Thanks to unhealthy processing methods, chocolate has earned a reputation as a "junk food." While the candy bars lining the supermarket shelf are certainly...

What Your Cravings are Really Trying to Tell You

In our diet and weight-loss crazed world, cravings have become increasingly vilified. They are seen as a weakness that must be ignored at all...

Want to be Smarter and Skinnier? Scientists Say Eat Chocolate Cake...

Eggs, oatmeal, fruit and yogurt, granola and chocolate cake? Hmm, the first five items on that list certainly sound like breakfast foods but the...

Eat And Drink These 9 Things To Increase Your Sex Drive

A loss of sex drive or a big or small drop in libido has complicated roots, from depression to low self esteem, to tiredness or...

These 6 Household Ingredients Are Ruining Your Sleep

By now, you’ve probably wrapped your head around just how important sleep really is. Not only is a good night’s shuteye critical to a...

8 Amazing Benefits Of Raw Cacao

Have you ever enjoyed the goodness of real chocolate? I’m not talking about those processed, machine-churned, sickly sweet candy bars that line store shelves…...

These 9 Foods Soothe Anxiety

For people that suffer from anxiety, doing normal, day-to-day tasks is not always so simple. Even something as innocuous as going to the grocery...

9 Healthy Reasons Why You Need To Eat More Chocolate Daily

Chocolate. It’s one of life’s great comfort foods. Bite into a bar of chocolate and a taste sensation overruns your senses. It helps to...

17 Foods That Positively Impact Blood Sugar

If you’re serious about your health, maintaining balanced blood sugar should be a top priority. Blood sugar, otherwise known as glucose, is the primary...

16 Strange Cravings And What They Mean

Have you ever made a special late-night trip down to your local supermarket for a big tub of ice cream? Or perhaps needed chocolate...