Tag: china
WATCH: Man ‘Trains’ Race Dogs By Dragging Them Behind Car
Footage has emerged of a man in China training his dogs for a race by dragging them behind a car with a rope.
Is The Illegal Rhino Horn Trade Funding North Korea’s Nuclear Arms?
Hong Soon-kyung, a former envoy to the country’s Thai embassy, says North Korea is helping to fund its nuclear arms program through illegal wildlife...
Beware Of These 9 Foods From China That Could Be Contaminated
The air quality in China is notoriously bad. Unfortunately, water and soil pollution in the People’s Republic is just as horrendous. Asia may seem...
Captive Orcas Are All the Rage In China
When it comes to animals in captivity, society is undergoing an ethical shift. Animals used for entertainment was previously accepted by the public for...
Would Cutting Down Meat Consumption Really Help The Environment?
Environmentalists are congratulating China after its government outlined a plan to reduce citizens' consumption of meat by 50 percent. But vegetarians and meat eaters...
Could One Man Put an End to China’s Yulin Dog Meat...
The annual Yulin Dog Meat festival in southern China is quite controversial, and for good reason. Besides the actual consumption aspect, there are consistent...
First Full-Body Transplant to Take Place in China
Ripped from the pages of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, a doctor in China reveals he is putting together a team for the world's first full-body...
Why You Need To Know Where The Feathers In Your Comforter...
Nothing compares to the warmth and comfort of a down jacket, pillow, comforter or sleeping bag, but find out how the feathers left the...
Made In USA, Sold For Big $$$ In China
“Bigger is better” may be the new motto for car enthusiasts in China when the American-built Ford F-150 Raptor debuts in the country next...
Why Do Robot Nerds Keep Making Supermodel Dolls?
Disturbingly realistic humanoid robots: One looks an awful lot like Scarlett Johansson, while another is nicknamed the “robot goddess.” Why do robot nerds keep...