Tag: cdc
What’s Up With the Latest Hand Sanitizer Recall
Just when you thought the only thing that could get you through Covid-19 was your mask and trusty hand sanitizer, here comes another recall. ...
Everything You Need to Know About the Latest Onion and Shrimp...
Whether it’s for onions, shrimp, or any other food, recalls protect the public from products that may cause illness or even death. Recalled foods...
COVID-19 Detected on Imported Frozen Chicken Wings in China
We are living in uncertain times ushered in by a new and unique virus of which little is known. One thing that may have...
How To Make Your Own Face Masks and Coverings
Recently, the CDC announced that they now know a significant portion of the population with coronavirus show no signs of illness. And even those...
Beware: Brain Eating Mosquitoes Found In Florida
If you’ve been following the news at all, it seems like Florida is a pretty dangerous place right now. Numerous people have contracted the...
CDC Says Humans Likely To Contract Fatal Zombie Disease in Near...
It has spread to more than twenty-five states and two Canadian provinces and is causing deer, moose, caribou, and elk to become zombie-like. A...
Trump Just Banned These 7 Words. Here’s What They All Have...
The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) and other divisions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services were told late last...
FDA Issues Raw Milk Warning (+ 3 Great Alternatives)
The FDA is warning that anyone who has consumed raw milk in the past six months should go and see a doctor. The new...
What We Don’t Know About Zika, Naled And Science
In general, people tend to be concerned when hearing that the government is spraying a neurotoxin around their home. At the very least, people...
Deadly Drug-Resistant Yeast On The Rise: Protect Yourself NOW!
U.S. health officials are warning hospitals to prepare for an emerging multidrug-resistant type of yeast that is causing potentially fatal infections in hospitalized patients...