Tag: cannabis

Marijuana For Morning Sickness: Good Or Bad?

Marijuana is emerging as something of a wonder drug as scientists and physicians discover how this ancient herb can help treat a range of...

Why It’s Time To End The War On Weed

Marijuana is at ground zero in the debate on the War on Drugs. High profile medical marijuana advocates have helped medical marijuana become more...

Yes, Cannabis Oil Is Good For You: Here’s Why

Cannabis. It's a word that elicits an instant negative response in many people — and it’s one which isn’t entirely deserved. Sure, it may...

How Cannabis’ Cousin Can Diminish Political Gridlock And More

“Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country,” wrote Thomas Jefferson. That was more than two centuries ago. Back...

Recreational Marijuana: Who’s In And Who’s Out?

Aside from the tumultuous presidential race, recreational marijuana was a notable issue on the ballots of certain states in this recent election. The results...

Mixing Hemp And Beer (Good Or Bad?)

It’s a scorching day in Denver. You’re at the annual Great American Beer Festival, about to end the parched torment of your mouth with...

Can Marijuana Prevent Alzheimer’s?

While the legalization of recreational marijuana is a hotly debated topic, it's difficult to deny the medical benefits that this long-demonized little plant possesses....

Would You Give Your Child Cannabis?

Imagine you’re the parents of a child with a life-threatening illness and the only way you can help them is to break the law....

Microsoft Fires Up the Legal Weed Business

As more states legalize marijuana for medical or recreational purposes, Microsoft has boldly stepped forward to announce that it's diving into the growing cannabis trade. Microsoft...

First Ever Trial For Marijuana Treatment Of PTSD Approved By DEA

Marijuana might just be the next new thing for treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), more popularly known...