Tag: brain health

Your Cup of Java Cuts Risk of Early Death

Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Frank Sinatra and Bob Marley all have crooned songs about coffee - as cups of love with lots of flavor....

3 Natural Alternatives for Headache Relief

There is nothing quite so distracting as a pounding headache. Headaches can range from mild to severe, even temporarily debilitating. There are many different...

Take Some Time Off: 3 Reasons Vacations are Important for Optimal...

Far too many Americans allow their unused vacation days to collect dust, and our time off is minuscule compared to what those of most other developed...

Learning Music At Early Age Boosts Cognitive Function

The early years of a child’s life are of upmost importance to brain development. Children are born ready to be taught. According to researchers,...

Another Reason to Exercise: Study Shows Working Out Prevents Dementia

There is plenty of evidence to support the fact that regular exercise can ward off depression, reduce or eliminate anxiety and stress as well...

That’s Not Really Chocolate You’re Eating

When you are craving chocolate and take a bite into your candy bar, it's a good chance that it's actually not "chocolate" you are...

Depression Associated with Cognitive Decline and Dementia

In a study published in the Archives of Neurology, researchers discovered that a history of depression in older individuals is associated with increased risk for...

Can Constant Migraines Fuel Memory Loss?

Q. I have frequent migraine headaches. Does this increase my risk of memory loss or dementia? A. This is a logical question, given that some...

Tasting Flavor Explosions with Your… Nose?

When it comes to celebrating the flavors of foods, our mouth gets all the credit. But in truth, it's the nose that knows. No matter...

Permanently Decrease Stress With Meditation

Even if you're as high-strung as the saber-tooth squirrel Scrat in "Ice Age," you can train your brain to calm down, cool out and...