Tag: blood sugar

Do You Have Diabetes But Don’t Know It?

Recently, the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a sobering report. The National Diabetes Statistics Report for 2014 laid out the facts...

9 Healthy Coconut Combinations: The Most Versatile Seed on the Planet

A member of the palm family, the coconut tree grows in a wide range of locations along the Equator. Researchers believe that this tree...

8 Reasons to NEVER Eat Wheat Again

Many of us know that white flour is unhealthy, as it has had its nutrients bleached and processed out. However, there is still a...

5 Ways to Get More Cinnamon Everyday

Cinnamon is one of those enduring aromatic spices that everyone loves. It smells like the essence of warm, cozy and comforting. It smells like...

Can Grapes Combat ‘Diabesity’?

When it comes to controlling diabetes, the mention of grapes may seem surprising, as these crisp berries are relatively high in fructose, and eating...

Eat Low-Carb Versus Low-Fat To Cut Risk Factors For Heart Disease

The age-old debate over which diet is “better”, low carb or low fat, continues to wage on as researchers examine the effects of both...

Beat Blood Sugar Spikes With Exercise “Snacking”

The recommended 30 minutes of daily moderate physical activity is a breeze for some while for others, it’s a torture session. While endurance fiends...

Doctor Apologizes For Being Wrong About What Really Causes Heart Disease

Dr. Dwight Lundell, MD, entered the field of medicine because he wanted to help people. With over 25 years of experience as a world...

Eat This to Cut Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Yogurt fans, you may just have one more reason to stock up on those cute cups. A recent study, published in the Journal of...

Coffee, Nuts and Citrus May Reduce Risk of Type II Diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, over 25 million Americans are afflicted with type II diabetes with almost two million new cases are diagnosed...