Tag: beer

7 Foods That Make Your Pee Smell (Is This Good Or...

For many of us, it may seem a little gross to talk about, but our urine can actually tell us some important things about...

I Cut Alcohol Out Of My Diet For 30 Days. Here’s...

I probably used to drink too much. That is, I used to drink about as much as the average 20-something. Drinking is social. It’s...

Are You Drinking The 6 Healthiest Alcoholic Beverages For Your Body?

Sometimes, it’s nice to bring in the weekend with a glass or two of wine, a mug of beer or a round of cocktails....

8 Health Benefits Of Soaking In Beer

Beer lovers rejoice. It’s time to soak in your favorite brew. What can hops, barley and yeast do for your skin? Well, a lot...

Excessive Alcohol Consumption On The Rise For Women

Trisha is a thirty-something mom with two young children, a good husband and a successful catering business. Despite the daily chaos of raising school-age...

Beer: Now Able To Store Energy

Beer has many uses, some more productive than others, but researchers at the University of Boulder in Colorado have just found another one. There’s...

5 Reasons To Make Your Own Beer And Wine

If you're passionate about craft beer and full-bodied wine, but are on the fence about making your own, consider this. Today, homebrewers and winemakers...

Mixing Hemp And Beer (Good Or Bad?)

It’s a scorching day in Denver. You’re at the annual Great American Beer Festival, about to end the parched torment of your mouth with...

Pass The Lime-Neck Corona, Cinco De Mayo Is Here — But...

Ask most Americans about the significance of Cinco de Mayo, and you may get the response that it’s Mexican Independence Day. Sorry, wrong answer....

Just Add Guacamole: A Chip Truck And Beer Truck Crash On...

Beer and chips? This accident was every football fan’s favorite dream— all that was missing was a little guacamole. Luckily, no was was injured when...