Tag: balance
If You Can Balance on One Leg it Might Mean This
Balance has often been studied in connection to various health concerns such as ear infection, low blood pressure, and head injuries. However, research suggests...
14 Signs Of A Stroke You Should NEVER Ignore
A rapid response to someone having a stroke can mean the difference between minor damage and long-term disability. According to the National Institute of Neurological...
Why You Should Never Drink Cold Water
While a glass of ice water can sound incredibly refreshing, it turns out that there are a number of reasons why drinking cold water...
17 Signs Your Body Is Too Acidic (And What To Do)
Is your body too acidic? Many people have never even considered this question. The pH of our bodies is enormously important to our health,...
60% of Women Have a Doubled Risk of Breast Cancer Because...
Over time, exposure to toxins, from pollutants in the environment, pesticides and preservatives to heavy metals and cancer-causing chemicals, can negatively affect many systems...
4 Ingredients That Will Flush Your Kidneys
The health world is usually focused on the heart, lungs and skin the most, but kidney health is equally as important. Your kidneys are...
If Your Work-Life Balance Sucks, Here’s How To Get It Back
Many years ago, I was working as a legal assistant at a busy law office. My employers and coworkers were awesome, but the job...
5 Signs You Need To Align Your Chakras ASAP
If you’re feeling run down, lacking in energy, depressed or unhealthy, it’s possible that your chakras are out of alignment.
Maintaining a healthy body...
What Is A Bosu Ball And How To Use It
If you’ve seen people at your local gym bouncing around on what appears to be half of an exercise ball, you have been introduced...
9 Reasons Why Diets Fail And How To Be Successful
There are so many diets out there, yet more than two-thirds of Americans are considered to be overweight — with more than one third...