Tag: anger

6 Things that Lead to Dangerously High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is no joke. When blood pressure, the force of blood against artery walls, goes up, the heart...

Why The Holiday Season Can Destroy Good Mental Health (And What...

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? You hear Christmas music playing as you stroll through the mall — but instead of...

3 Foods That Are Making You Mad

Make no mistake about it, the food and mood relationship is very tight. In fact, it is so tight that simply eating too much...

5 Signs You’re Holding On To Anger And How To Let...

In our culture, we often demonize anger. We tend to equate it with flying off the handle, and with being irrational, as well as...

12 Ways To Avoid Road Rage

We all know someone who seems to get exceptionally angry while driving. Maybe we are that someone, or maybe it's someone we frequently drive...

5 Things You Can Do to Sabotage Any Relationship

Navigating relationships is a tricky business, and there are any number of ways to muddle things up. Whether you're looking at friendships, love interests,...

Does Expressing Your Anger Make You Healthier?

The culture of American living focuses a great deal on anger management and suppressing negative emotions. However, recent research suggests that cultures where anger...

Frustrated: Best Ways Vent Your Stress

We all feel angry sometimes; it's human nature. Whether you're upset because you feel that someone treated you badly or are frustrated with a...

How Keeping Your Lid On Can Save Your Heart

Uncontrolled anger can not only destroy relationships, it can also, according to a body of research, wreak havoc on your heart. A new analysis...

How Your Anger May Be Harming Your Health – Six Ways...

We all get angry sometimes, it's a natural human emotion. Also, let's face it, sometimes life situations can be pretty enraging! However, some people...