Tag: alternative medicine

How Acupuncture Helps Migraine Sufferers

Alternative medical treatments are gaining recognition in our country as more and more people become disillusioned with their current conventional treatments. One such alternative...

Paw Paw and Graviola: Two Potent Anti-Cancer Trees

Imagine if there was a natural and effective way to fight cancer without submitting to harmful radiation and chemotherapy treatments. One would assume that...

Acupuncture Help Fights Fatigue in Breast Cancer Patients

Acupuncture, a form of Chinese medicine, is often used as an alternative to traditional medicine for relieving pain and other health issues. The idea behind this...

Alternative and Complimentary Therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism is an illness that is still not well understood by the medical community. While a great deal of research is still being conducted...

The Failure of American Health Care: This Isn’t About Insurance

The United States has the best acute care and disease management system in the world. Do you realize how bad our health is in...

Alternative Therapies Continuing to Gain Acceptance with Mainstream Medicine [Video]

In a report on NBC Nightly News, Dr. Nancy Snyderman discussed broader acceptance of alternative and complimentary forms of treatment for cancer patients. According...

Alternative Therapies Gaining Acceptance with Many Doctors

In light of supportive research over the past decade highlighting the benefits of alternative and complimentary therapies, more and more traditional Western doctors are...

Mind-Body Connection Key to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Western doctors have long been baffled about the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine. Although Chinese medicine practices have been used for millennia, Western doctors...