Tag: allergies

Bee Pollen: A Survival Food With Extraordinary Health Benefits

Bee pollen is the male seed of a flower blossom, collected by honey bees and combined with the insects' digestive enzymes. It's a mixture...

Is Your Ultra-Sanitized House Making You Sick?

Now more than ever, people are taking sanitation seriously. Antibacterial wipes and disinfectant cleaners are hard to find in stores, and hand soap and...

What Researchers Found in Dirt Could Bust Stress

Kids are inevitably drawn to dirt. They love to play in the soil and get their hands (and everything else) dirty. Instead of deterring...

What Your Skin Says About Your Health

Your skin is your largest organ, and it has a lot to say about what’s going on inside your body. Many skin conditions including...

Suffering From Pet Allergies? Find Relief With These 7 Remedies

Allergies are anything but the bee’s knees. Luckily, I have never suffered from any severe symptoms, but my husband does. Cats make his eyes...

7 Amazing Things That Happen To Your Health When You Own...

Owning a dog is one of the simplest joys in life, and research shows that having pets can be beneficial to your health. Not...

Coconut Oil For Clogged Sinuses + 4 Other Remedies

Sinus congestion is one of the most common chronic health conditions people face today. Up to 40 percent of the world’s population suffers from...

6 Reasons To Stop Eating White Flour (Try These 7 Paleo...

White flour is a staple of the American diet, but there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that consuming it in the quantities that...

These 6 Things Are Ruining Your Sense Of Smell

Various factors of city life are ruining your sense of smell, according to one scientist — and that could increase your risk of death, research...

10 Scary Ways Climate Change Is Impacting Your Health

There’s a lot more at stake than the loss of some beach real estate as we battle with climate change. In fact, no matter...