Tag: alcohol

7 Foods That Make Your Pee Smell (Is This Good Or...

For many of us, it may seem a little gross to talk about, but our urine can actually tell us some important things about...

7 Foods That Might Be Making You Anxious

A lifelong friend of mine suffered from debilitating anxiety for years. It was hard to watch her have panic attacks, knowing that people did...

These Easy Tricks Can Help Increase Your Natural Antibodies

When foreign infectious pathogens like bacteria and viruses enter the body, your immune system produces antibodies to protect. So, the stronger your immune system...

Why You Might Be A Mosquito Magnet

Mosquitoes are one of humanities greatest plagues. And in some regions, they are an even bigger problem due to the transmission of various diseases...

Stop Holding Your Pee: It’s Killing Your Kidneys

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body.  Known as the blood cleaners, kidneys act as a filter of...

Quit Wasting Your Money on Hand Sanitizer: Here’s What Works Instead

How often do you turn to a few quick pumps of hand sanitizers instead of taking the time to thoroughly wash and dry your...

7 Natural Remedies For Painful Gout Flare-Ups

The “rich man’s disease” can be one of the most painful chronic ailments out there. Gout is the unpleasant result of the build-up of...

Beware: These 6 Things Are Killing Your Taste Buds

Are you unwittingly sabotaging your sense of taste? You may be surprised to learn that certain lifestyle factors, as well as foods and drinks,...

Who’s Really Funding Scientific Studies? NIH Study Funded By Alcohol Industry

More than $30 billion of taxpayer money goes into biomedical research each year. But billions of funding also comes from industries who stand to...

Ladies: 15 Early Warning Signs Of Lupus You Shouldn’t Ignore

Lupus is a shape-shifting disease that can masquerade as any number of maladies. It’s a potentially life-threatening autoimmune disorder that can strike anyone, at...