![Sitting at Your Desk All Day Hazardous to Your Health: Quick Office Exercise [Video] Sitting at Your Desk All Day Hazardous to Your Health: Quick Office Exercise [Video]](https://www.thealternativedaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/officeworkout.png.webp)
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Many people spend most of their days at work sitting at their desk. However, a study from the University of Leicester in England confirms that being sedentary all day is hazardous to your health. With increased risk for developing heart problems, diabetes and blood clots, it is important to find ways to become physically active throughout the day.
Dangerous Health Habits
In today’s world both adults and children spend a great deal of time in sedentary activities. Adults often spend the majority of their day sitting at their desks. Children sit at desks in school and then come home to play video games or sit in front of a computer.
However, the study from the University of Leicester found that the risk of developing diabetes, heart problems and other health issues increases by at least 50 percent. According to lead investigator Dr. Emma Wilmot, “this link [between diabetes and cardiovascular disease] appears to be over and above other lifestyle factors such as our diet and physical activity.”
Doctors have repeatedly recommended at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily for cardiovascular health. Exercise does not need to be all at one time and you do not need to work out for several hours to be healthy. Instead, you can spread your activities across the day and be effective.
There are multiple ways to break up your day to include physical activity. You can hold standing meetings at work. Standing desks are also an excellent alternative to a traditional desk. Walking during breaks is also a way to stretch your legs and become physically active.
You can also find easy ways to be physically active at your desk. This video illustrates four simple exercises you can use daily across your day. Simply doing 10 minutes of exercise at a time can add up quickly and be enough to improve your health.
What ways can you be physically active at your office? Do you think your business would be receptive to using standing desks?
– The Alternative Daily
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