Banish Your Sinus Infection With This Easy Home Remedy

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I have experienced a sinus infection on several occasions. It is one of the most uncomfortable and miserable conditions to get, especially during the busy holiday season. The pressure is almost always accompanied with a bad headache and even a fever.

When the inflammation of the mucous membranes become infected, the discomfort is almost unbearable at times. When you have a sinus infection, trying to sleep becomes very difficult due to blocked airways. This causes so much dull pain and tension between the eyes. No thank you!

Having this all-natural sinus mix at the ready gives me peace of mind. I know that when I feel the onset of a sinus infection, I can start applying this infection fighter. I quickly feel the relief and pressure start subsiding. Since it is all natural, I can use it as often as I need it. I hope you love it as much as I do.


  • 5 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • 5 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops geranium essential oil
  • Almond oil or any other carrier oil of your choice


  • 1 10-ml glass roller bottle ( carries them)


1. Gather your ingredients and the glass roller bottle.

Sinus Infection Fighter Photo 2

2. Remove the roller from the bottle. Now add the essential oils.

Sinus Infection Fighter Photo 3

3. Fill the rest of the bottle with almond oil or the carrier oil of your choice.

Sinus Infection Fighter Photo 4

4. Replace the roller. Make sure to shake really well before each use.

Sinus Infection Fighter Photo 5

Roll the mix over your sinuses, forehead and under your eyes. Be careful not to get any in your eyes. If you do, just add a little almond oil (or any other oil) and it will dilute the essential oils. If you use water, it will make it worse because water and essential oils do not mix.

Use this roller blend as often as you need in order to get some relief from the pressure of the sinus infection.

— Leilani Hampton

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