Remedy Erectile Dysfunction without the “Little Blue Pill”

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Erectile dysfunction or EDis more common than you might think. The National Institute of Health states that up to 25 percent of men over the age of 65 will experience erectile dysfunction, as will 5 percent of men over the age of 40. Sure, you can discuss the Alice in Wonderlandremedy pill with your doctor, and it is always recommended to discuss any new medication, exercise routine, or dietary change with your doc.

On the other hand, there are several natural ways to battle erectile dysfunction by changing or adding a few things to your life that will not only help you get erect, but also boost your overall physical and mental well-being.

6 natural ways to remedy erectile dysfunction without the “little blue pill”

Fight erectile dysfunction with red ginseng

Red ginseng has recently become the focus of various studies regarding erectile dysfunction. This all-natural erectile dysfunction remedy boosts your nitric oxide and increases blood flow throughout your body.

A study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2008) notes red ginsengs effectiveness in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. You can get red ginseng in liquid, powder and pill form with a bit of health and wellness store hunting.

Red ginseng has also been known to boost the immune system, help with diabetes, and also improve heart health. Korean red ginseng is the best and most organic ginseng option for your erectile dysfunction. It contains minerals, vitamins, and amino acids to not only assist you with your ED, but also improve your overall health.

Quit smoking

There is never a bad time to quit smoking, but you may find it easier to keep your addiction at bay if it leads to better sex. Smoking has been long discussed as one of the causes for erectile dysfunction in men with a cumulative cigarette addiction. Research published in European Urology (2007) states, An association between smoking and ED was observed with a significant trend in increased risk of ED with cumulative pack-years of smoking.

Cigarettes impair your body’s circulation over time, and one factor related to erectile dysfunction is poor blood circulation and vascular health. Stamping out cigarettes will improve your health in the bedroom and in general. Throw away your pack of smokes and you may find erectile dysfunction is an issue only associated with your past.

Increase physical activity and improve your weight

As men gracefully age, exercise becomes a more daunting and physically stressful experience. Sitting at the office desk in those comfy chairs while enjoying your morning donut and coffee may be one of the causes behind your erectile dysfunction. One essential change in your life should be an increase in physical activity, not only for health and wellness, but to also boost your sex drive.

Exercise has a protective effectagainst erectile dysfunction by reducing endothelial apoptosis in your body. A 2011 study in The Aging Male found that, PhA [physical activity] improves quality of arterial ED, without another pharmacological approach, probably by reduced endothelial apoptosis.More exercise also means better weight control when paired with a healthy, nutritionally focused diet. See below for more helpful ED diet tips!

Eat Mediterranean for better sexual function

What you eat plays a significant role in your body’s overall function, including erectile dysfunction. A study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research (2006) concluded that a more Mediterranean diet can be a significant factor in quelling erectile dysfunction.

You may be asking yourself, What is a Mediterranean diet?Think all natural with good fats. A Mediterranean diet consists of fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grains ( gluten-free), and protein sources that are high in omega-3s and lower in fat, like fish, while cutting out several days of red meat and processed foods. A diet change is a great all-natural way to beat ED and increase your sex drive.

Drink erectile dysfunction away with pomegranate juice

Thats right, delicious pomegranate juice can indeed help with your erectile dysfunction. Pomegranate juice has been the focus of several research topics for its amazing antioxidant power. Oxidative stress has often been noted as one of the causes for ED, along with a number of other health issues like hypertension and diabetes.

Adding a bit more antioxidant fuel to your body will assist you in the fight against erectile dysfunction — and make you healthier to boot. A study published in the International Journal of Andrology (2011) states, Pomegranate extract significantly improved intracavernosal blood flow, erectile activity, smooth muscle relaxation and fibrosis.Getting a healthy erection while enjoying one of Mother Natures most delicious fruits is by far a win-win!

Poke out ED with acupuncture

Eastern medicine and holistic practices have always been seen as a way to improve sexual function and drive. Acupuncture for improving sexual function and decreasing erectile dysfunction has been the topic of several academic studies. A 1999 study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research found that one month of acupuncture, two sessions per week, improved sexual function in subjects experiencing erectile dysfunction by 39 percent.

Blue pills backgroundThe study states, The use of acupuncture as a mono-therapeutic modality in ED, did not influence the profile of the stress and sex hormones, but did improve the quality of erection and restored the sexual activity with an overall effect of 39%.With an almost 40 percent improvement regarding ED, acupuncture is a non-pill-popping method that may lead to a happier you.

Before taking any pharmaceutically developed little blue pillto rectify your erectile dysfunction, consider more natural and overall beneficial solutions. In most cases, a healthy lifestyle change, coupled with a better nutrition plan, is all you need to get your sex drive moving back in the northerly direction. Ask yourself, Am I exercising? Am I eating right? Am I getting enough of what my body needs at my age?

— Stephen Seifert

Stephen Seifert is a writer, professor, adventurer and a health & fitness guru. His flare for travel and outdoor adventure allows him to enjoy culture and traditions different than his own. A healthy diet, routine fitness and constant mental development is the cornerstone to Stephen’s life.
Kupelian V, Link CL, McKinlay JB. Association between smoking, passive smoking, and erectile dysfunction: results from the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey. Eur Urol. 2007; 52: 416–22.
La Vignera S, Condorelli R, Vicari E, D’Agata R, Calogero A. Aerobic physical activity improves endothelial function in the middle-aged patients with erectile dysfunction. Aging Male. 2011; 14: 265–72.
Esposito K, Giugliano F, De Sio M, Carleo D, Di Palo C, et al. Dietary factors in erectile dysfunction. Int J Impot Res. 2006; 18: 370–4.
Zhang Q, Radisavljevic ZM, Siroky MB, Azadzoi KM. Dietary antioxidants improve erectile dysfunction. Int J Androl. 2011; 34(3): 225-35.
Kho HG, Sweep CG, Chen X, Rabsztyn PR, Meuleman EJ. The use of acupuncture in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Int J Impot Res. 1999; 11(1): 41-46.


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