6 Reasons To Stop Shaving Down Under

4. You’ll avoid injury

Realistically, if you’re placing a razor anywhere near this delicate area, you instantly increase your risk of injury. Based on a 2012 study, it was found that approximately three percent of emergency room visits are related to either urinary or genital injuries, which are a direct result of grooming practices gone wrong. Of these injuries, 83 percent were associated with shaving razors.

While looking back on related incidents, it was found that genital injuries have increased by five times over the past decade due to grooming accidents. Between the years 2002 and 2010, hair grooming injuries increased by 247 incidents each year. To put that into perspective, by the year 2010, there were 2,500 incidents annually.

As mentioned, razors are largely to blame. The most common injury was a laceration at 36.6 percent. What’s even more interesting is that it was fairly even between females and males. Only 56.7 percent of injuries were women, and they commonly injured the external female genitalia.

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