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This week we will be giving away a Breville YouBrew Coffee Maker. This is the coffee maker that I use to blend and brew Lucy’s Bru Organic Coffee. The coffee maker comes with a built in burr grinder and a completely customizable brew cycle with a metal carafe thermos. Quite simply, it brews delicious coffee.
For all of our movie-heads or culinary aficionados, we give a very brief, movie review of Chef. Even though Jake doesn’t watch a ton of tv or movies, this one stuck out as an all-around creative movie, which helped motivate him on a few tasks for work this week.
Jake shares his experience with Sleep Paralysis, something he has had ever since he was little. He talks about what happens to him when these occur and how he can tell when they are about to happen to him. Megan watched a documentary on sleep paralysis and talks about what she saw compared to Jake’s experience.
Today is Groundhog Day. But how often is Punxsutawney Phil right? You’d be better flipping a coin each time.
The Iowa Caucus results are in, Megan discusses the results and Jake gives his take on the long political road ahead.
All this and more!

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