If You Can’t Pronounce It… Don’t Eat It

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“Processed” doesn’t always mean unhealthy. In fact, most of what we eat is processed in some way—washing lettuce, slicing fruit, cooking meat—these are all simple forms of processing. Even pasteurizing milk, which protects us from harmful bacteria, is a helpful form of processing. So the idea that all processed foods are bad is misleading.

The real concern lies in ultra-processed foods. These are products filled with artificial additives, preservatives, flavor enhancers, and ingredients you can’t even pronounce. If a label reads like a chemistry exam—think: maltodextrin, sodium nitrite, or butylated hydroxyanisole—that’s a red flag. A good rule of thumb? If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it. These synthetic substances are far from nature and often come with health risks, including links to obesity, inflammation, and even early death when consumed regularly.

On the other hand, not all processing is harmful. Some methods are actually healthy and practical. Canning, freezing, drying, or fermenting can preserve the nutritional value of food while extending shelf life. Frozen berries, canned beans, or dried herbs are all great examples of processed foods that still support a whole-food diet. These techniques make it easier to access nutritious options year-round without relying on chemical additives.

The key is knowing the difference. Avoid mystery ingredients and overly manufactured products, but embrace helpful processing that makes real food more accessible.

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