WATCH: Healthy Halloween Treats

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Halloween is here. It is a time of costumes and festivity. It is also a time of tricks and treats. Though the treats do need to be sweet, they don’t necessarily need to be candy. There are a number of fruit-based alternatives that are plenty sweet without all the sugar. The best way to encourage your children to enjoy more healthy snacks during this holiday season is to play a little dress up.

Here are three fun alternatives to chocolate and caramel. As long as your treats stick with the theme, your kids are sure to love them.

Healthy Halloween Treats

1. Bananas and dark chocolate chips for Banana Ghosts.

2. Tangerines and celery for mini Tangerine Pumpkins.

3. Green apple slices, peanut butter and peanuts for Apple Monster Mouths.

— Erin Wildermuth

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