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The Centers for Disease Control just released a statement about an outbreak of listeria in ricotta cheese that has been sold in the United States. The cheese has been sold in 18 states and the District of Columbia. Consumption of the tainted cheese has resulted in one death and 14 illnesses.
The ricotta cheese in question was sold in Washington, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Ohio, New York, New Mexico, New Jersey, Montana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Indiana, Illinois, Georgia, Florida, Colorado, California and the District of Columbia. It was sold to stores and restaurants in large wheels, which were broken up for sale to customers, under the Frescolina brand. It was produced in the Puglia region of Italy and imported to the United States through Forever Cheese, a New York distributor
Ricotta salata cheese is white and salty and made from sheep’s milk that has been pasteurized. It is different from the soft ricotta cheese commonly used in many Italian dishes, such as lasagna and stuffed shells. Many people who consumed the tainted cheese would not have known it at the time because it was largely distributed to retail outlets that cater to restaurants or directly to restaurants.
Listeria is relatively uncommon. However, it is often deadlier than salmonella and E coli. It is most dangerous for pregnant women, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems, such as cancer patients or individuals with immune system disorders.
– The Alternative Daily
Source: http://www.cdc.gov/
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