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Not since the early 1980s, when Jane Fonda barked out “Feel the burn!” (remember those ankle-hugging leg warmers?) has there been so much interest in exercise intensity.

With the epidemic of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes (there’s 25 million and 79 million of each in the U.S. alone), it’s time to revisit that intensity with an innovative exercise routine that helps you move it, lose it, and prevent and control diabetes!
Turns out just 2.5 minutes of concentrated effort (call it hammering), followed by a protracted cool down, burns an extra 200 calories a day. That adds up big time! Even if you have diabetes and are out of shape, 12 weeks of regular exercise (with some hammer time) can up your fitness level 40 percent and get your blood sugar levels into line.
We love a walking routine that takes you through a fast pace (say 130 steps a minute) followed by 10-15 minutes of a steady stride of 100 steps per minute. You also can follow that pattern while cycling, jogging, swimming – maybe even in the bedroom. Talk about amplifying your well-being!
Want more immediate results? Combine your new exercise routine with Dr. Oz’s 90/10 kick-start plan for weight loss: For 1 week, make your diet 90 percent veggies, fruits, seeds and nuts, beans and whole grains; the remaining 10 percent from lean protein, low-fat dairy and healthy oils. Losing 10 percent of your body weight can normalize glucose levels and reduce your risk of diabetes, prediabetes and all those related complications. Feel the burn!
– Dr Michael Roizen & Dr. Mehmet Oz
© 2012 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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