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Q: My doc says I’m headed for type 2 diabetes if I don’t do something to get in shape. I don’t mind the gym, so what’s the best plan? – Fred G., Buffalo, N.Y.

A: We’re glad you asked, Fred. Turns out that what you do at the gym can revolutionize your future, preventing everything from heart attack to kidney failure and blindness – just a few of the complications associated with diabetes. (And that’s especially true if you combine it with upgrades to your overall lifestyle; our suggestions are below.) Here’s the latest solid data:
1. Weight training for 59 minutes a week slashes diabetes risk by 12 percent; ramp it up to 149 minutes, and it’s down by 25 percent. Opt for 150 minutes or more each week, and your risk is cut by 34 percent.
2. Prefer aerobics? Swimming, treadmill (jogging, walking), stationary bike or taking a 59-minute spin class cuts your risk by 7 percent; more than an hour, 31 percent; and 90 minutes, 52 percent.
3. Now put the two together, and fireworks happen! Go for 150 minutes of weights and 150 minutes of aerobics a week, and you can see a 59 percent drop in your risk for type 2 diabetes. And you haven’t even tackled the other lifestyle life-changers – better nutrition, improved sleep habits and de-stressing.
Nutritional upgrades have powerful positive effects on blood pressure, overall body inflammation, depression, weight and glucose levels, all associated with diabetes. So, avoid the five food felons: added sugars, added syrups, most saturated fat, ALL trans fats, and grains that are NOT 100 percent whole. Then choose friendly fats such as olive oil with omega-9 fatty acids and canola oil with omega-3s; lean proteins, especially fish with loads of omega-3s, such as salmon and trout; lots of cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, collard greens, daikon radish, kohlrabi and bok choy); fruits and other veggies (put a wide variety of colors on your plate every day); plus avocados and walnuts.
Next, get at least seven hours of shut-eye every night, and, in addition to physical activity, adopt new ways to shake off stress – unchecked, it raises blood sugar levels and increases inflammation. We recommend (and do it ourselves) daily meditation.
You can start in the gym, Fred. Then aim to add 10,000 steps a day with our walking plan. And don’t forget those food upgrades, the right amount of sleep and meditation!
– Dr. Michael Roizen & Dr. Mehmet Oz
© 2012 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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