Eat These 5 Foods to Increase Your Risk of Getting Cancer

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Eat These 5 Foods to Increase Your Risk of Getting Cancer
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So many of us just eat today what we are used to eating. Sadly, and quite commonly, it is our downfall, literally. We can claim ignorance, but our bodies take what we eat and the consequences are what we get. So let’s knock down one of the biggest problems – ignorance. This article is not meant to be comprehensive, in the sense that if you avoid these foods then you can be sure you won’t get cancer, but it will educate you on the top cancer causing culprits.

Eat These 5 Foods to Increase Your Risk of Getting CancerCancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S. Recent stats had heart disease at number one at 600,000 deaths and cancer a close second at 565,000 deaths in one year. Most of us know someone who has had cancer and none of us wish that fate on anyone (especially ourselves). But just in case you were thinking that you wanted to get cancer, we have provided a primer and some ‘top foods’ to consume to increase your risk.

A quick primer to start. Cancer tumors develop in part by feeding on sugar in the bloodstream. So high glycemic foods, like sugar, high fructose corn syrup, enriched bleached flour and white breads are problematic. In addition, hydrogenated oils, which contain trans fats, are cancer causing. Closely related are acrylamides, which are formed in the process of high heat frying. A study has clearly demonstrated that acrylamides produce cancer in rats. Finally, sodium nitrite and nitrates, which are a food additive that is used to help certain foods maintain a ‘reddish’ color, are also cancer causing.

So here is the list of top 5 foods to eat to significantly increase your risk of getting cancer:

Doughnuts: This one is really great for cancer production. It has a lot of the items on our ‘bad list’ above. So if you want to help the people at work increase their chances of getting cancer, bring them doughnuts.

French fries: These are high glycemic (produces a blood sugar high), include hydrogenated oils and even include acrylamides. A very potent combination if you want to increase your risk of getting cancer.

Hot dogs: We have already written about the dangers of processed meats and hot dogs are definitely a winner if you want increase your risk of getting cancer.

Processed meats and bacon: Not all bacon has sodium nitrite and/or nitrates. Just make sure to check the label and pick the package with these substances and you will be helping move yourself in the direction of getting cancer later on in your life.

Chips / crackers / cookies: Choose these and you are choosing cancer fuel. Eat lots of these and you will significantly increase your changes of getting cancer.

Sound too harsh? Life is a choice, and the food choices we make either increase or decrease our chance of getting cancer. What choices will you make today? What are some other cancer-fueling foods? Let us know in the comments!

– The Alternative Daily

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