Diabetes Could Dampen Your Sex Life If You’re Not Healthy About It

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Your Sexual Health May Be Affected by Diabetes
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Most people know that high blood sugar can lead to diabetes. Diabetes affects almost every system in the body, including the kidneys, heart and eyes. However, many people with the health condition may not understand how diabetes can impact sexual function.

Your Sexual Health May Be Affected by DiabetesNerve Damage

High blood glucose levels can cause damage to nerve endings. Often, this is experienced with neuropathy symptoms in the hands and feet. Neuropathy feels like pins and needles on the bottoms of the feet and toes or in the ends of fingers or the palm of the hand. It may also feel like a burning sensation or numbness.

However, neuropathy can also impact sexual organs. In women, nerve damage can impact the ability to feel sensations in the clitoris and vagina. Also, women with nerve damage due to high blood sugar have difficulty creating enough lubrication for pleasurable sexual activity. They may also experience decreased desire for sex.

In men, nerve damage can impact healthy sexual functioning. They may experience difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. Erectile dysfunction is more prevalent among men with diabetes than among men who do not have the condition. Additionally, erectile dysfunction may occur at a younger age in men with diabetes.

For men, an additional problem that may occur with diabetes is circulation problems that affect the penis. Uncontrolled blood sugar can damage delicate capillaries that supply blood to the penis. As a result, it may be difficult to maintain an erection, even with medications such as Viagra and Cialis, due to blood leakage from these small capillaries.

If you already have diabetes, eat a diet of lean healthy protein and low glycemic foods to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. If you begin to experience sexual difficulties, talk to your doctor about options. For women, using a water-based lubricant can make sexual activity more pleasurable.

The best way to prevent sexual problems due to diabetes is to avoid getting diabetes in the first place. Maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active and eating a healthy diet can help prevent developing type 2 diabetes.

What do you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure your sexual health?

 – The Alternative Daily

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