Can Acupuncture Really Mend A Broken Heart Faster?

When a relationship ends and your heart breaks, you try to find a way back to a place where you can just feel normal...

Is It Ethical To Grow Human Brains In These Animals? Scientists...

Scientists are currently growing miniature human brains, also called organoids or mini brains, in rats and mice. In a meeting of the Society for Neuroscience...

Should We Wipe Out The World’s Deadliest Animal?

The world’s most dangerous animal might have just met its match — modern science. The animal in question kills more people than any other,...

This 9-Year-Old Boy’s Last Wish Is For A Christmas Card From...

The first thing you have to know about Jacob Thompson is that he loves penguins. Like other 9-year-old boys his age, he also likes...

This Line On Your Palm Means Your Health Is Suffering

We all have lines on the palms of our hands. Some can be positive and others negative, depending on where they lay on your...

Bride Accused Of Poisoning 17 People To Get Out Of Marriage

Choosing one’s spouse is something most people take for granted in the West. However, arranged marriages are still the norm in many parts of...

Protestors Storm Oakland Butcher Shop To Rescue Animals

Animal rights activists in California have made strong efforts to expose the horrid conditions in some slaughterhouses around the country. Recently a large group...

This Woman Got Pregnant From 2 Dads At The Same Time

People have always been fascinated by twins. But the story of Jessica Allen, a California woman who recently got pregnant while pregnant (and gave...

FDA Warning: Watch Out For THIS Halloween Candy

On a day where things are typically spooky, you might want to avoid this candy to try and make it less so: black licorice....

Is Your Man Circumcised? Here’s Why It Could Save Your Life

Male circumcision can reduce the risk of passing some sexually transmitted infections to partners, according to a new study. Published in The Lancet, the study...