If Your Kid Is Depressed Or Anxious, This Could Be Why
Talking with teachers has taught me some sobering lessons about today’s young people. An increasing number of school-age children are suffering from severe anxiety,...
FDA Clamps Down On Homeopathy, Calling It ‘Snake Oil Medicine’
Americans, in general, like a lot of freedom when it comes to choosing health remedies. In addition, there’s a fair amount of skepticism about...
Feed Your Kids This Fish To Improve Intelligence And Sleep
Fish can help improve children's sleep and IQ test scores, researchers are saying. In a study published this month, scientists found that children aged nine...
Are You Addicted To Your Smartphone? (Take This Quiz To Find...
Smartphones put the world at your fingertips, but could this phenomenally popular technology be undermining your mental health? People often talk loosely about how...
Why Moms Should Be Concerned About THIS Toxin In Baby Cereals
According to a new report by a health advocacy group, moms need to be aware that some rice-based infant cereals may contain harmful levels...
1 In 2 Kids Will Be Obese By Age 35 —...
By the time your child reaches their mid-30s, there’s a good chance they’ll be obese. And while experts agree that a lack of exercise...
Breastfeed Your Baby To Help Prevent Leukemia + 5 Other Diseases
Rates of childhood leukemia have been rising since the 1970s and no one's entirely sure why. However, scientists at the University of Haifa and...
If Your Baby Can’t Sleep Without You, Try This Method
It’s official: parenting reduces us all to head-scratching buffoons. Having only recently become a parent, I can absolutely relate to others like me who...
This 9-Year-Old Boy’s Last Wish Is For A Christmas Card From...
The first thing you have to know about Jacob Thompson is that he loves penguins. Like other 9-year-old boys his age, he also likes...
This Woman Got Pregnant From 2 Dads At The Same Time
People have always been fascinated by twins. But the story of Jessica Allen, a California woman who recently got pregnant while pregnant (and gave...