3 Things You Should Never Put in Your Ears

Every part of your body should be treated with care and respect, including your ears. Unfortunately, many people abuse their ears and take hearing...

Help, I Can’t Stop Coughing: Here’s Why and What to Do

Coughing isn’t usually a cause for concern. You have something stuck in your throat, you’ve caught that seasonal bug going around, or your allergies...

Sleeping Naked For a Better Night’s Rest: Does it Work?

It is no big secret that sleep plays an essential role in our health. Without sufficient sleep, our bodies begin to break down. Getting...

Non Stop Farting: What the Heck is Wrong With Me?

Once or twice might be somewhat funny, but if you have ever experienced continuous or nonstop farting, you know that it can be downright...

This Condition May Cause You to Vomit Feces

If you think bad breath a result of something you ate for lunch smells nasty, it's nothing compared to breath that smells like feces....

Research Says: Drinking This Red Juice May Lower Blood Pressure

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the biggest cause of mortality worldwide. According to the World Health Organization  (WHO), cardiovascular diseases were responsible for 15.2 million...

Is Aspirin Causing Your Brain to Bleed?

For over 30 years, taking a daily low dose Aspirin has been the go-to method for preventing stroke and heart attack in at-risk individuals....

If You Can Balance on One Leg it Might Mean This

Balance has often been studied in connection to various health concerns such as ear infection, low blood pressure, and head injuries. However, research suggests...

7 Things You Might Not Know About Poop

Although it might not be the best topic for a first date or a dinner party, poop or human excrement is actually rather an...

What Your Waist Size Says About Your Brain

In the health community, a lot of importance is placed upon waist size. It is proven that a disproportionate waist-to-hip ratio indicates obesity and is...