This Brain Boosting, Cancer Fighting Super Root Also Eases Indigestion, Banishes...

The use of ginger as a medicinal aid spans back hundreds of years in time. Common historical uses of this root include easing digestion,...

Do These 6 Things Instead of Making a Resolution This Year

Ah, another year and another list of New Year’s resolutions. A fresh slate, a blank canvas, and a new chapter in your life. How...

Foot Fungus Fixes You Can Make at Home

The dreaded foot fungus is an annoying but true reality for many people. Also known as athlete’s foot or tinea pedis, is a fungal...

Gentlemen Do You Have a Stinky Crotch? This Might Be To...

You may think that it is only guys who are uncircumcised that struggle with an odoriferous groin; however, you uncircumcised guys are just as...

Pucker Up: Whiten Your Teeth and Brighten Your Skin With This...

There’s something simple and joyous about laying eyes on a fresh, vibrant lemon. Sitting in a fruit bowl or hanging out in the fruit...

How to Take Care of the Strongest Muscles in Your Body

The body is a well-oiled machine, with thousands of separate parts working together to keep you alive and healthy. Over 600 of those parts...

Could Butt Sunning Be Better Than a Cup of Coffee?

Strange “health” fads making strong health claims seem to be part of the fabric of our culture. With consumers looking for quick fixes and...

Caution: Never Do This in a Public Restroom

Are you not always spot on with washing your hands after you use a public restroom but somehow religious about putting down that thin...

Death Rates Skyrocket During the Holidays (How to stay alive)

You may have heard that more people die over the holidays and assumed that winter traveling and traffic accidents are to blame, or you...

You Won’t Believe These Strange and True Holiday Traditions

If you think that cutting down a tree from the forest and hauling it indoors just to decorate it with colorful ornaments and telling...